Thursday, January 26, 2012

Report from the Sacristan

The Altar Guild provides a vital, anonymous service to the Parish.  When the Presider arrives for Mass, it is the Altar Guild's responsibility to have the altar prepared, the books correctly marked, the chalices cleaned and polished, and linens and cruets and bread and wine prepared.  The Altar Guild also reverently cleans the sacred vessels and linens after each Mass.

There are currently five teams on the guild, who work Sundays in rotation.  I am also indebted to the people who volunteer, without a schedule, for our Wednesday evening Masses.  Weekday principal feasts are staffed by volunteers from the Sunday teams.  During the past year, another baker has come forward to help with the baking of our Communion bread, so there are now two people on that job.

I assumed the responsibility for the Altar Guild about a year ago.  It has never been my intention to keep this job, and I am happy to report to the parish that Duane Palmer has agreed to take on the challenge of heading up the Altar Guild.  I know I speak for him when I say, if you would like to join the Altar Guild, we would love to have you as a member.  If you would like to bake bread for our Sunday Mass, we would be happy to give you the recipe.  (It is difficult to describe the feeling of seeing something that you kneaded with your own hands and believing it has become the Body of Christ.)  And if you would like to periodically take linens home to wash, iron and return,  we will have nothing but good things to say about you!

Respectfully submitted,
Mark Gastineau

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