The 12 disciples worked to help build Gods kingdom with Jesus, let us all work as disciples within our committees or as small groups, to build and maintain his kingdom here at 16th and Central.
Some of these tasks have already been adopted, but not all, and some need more participants. What can you do? For more information, contact the person identified on the task, or contact Jim Tomlinson.
1. Parish Hall Front entry- paint, clean windows and doors, possible stair tread replacement. (adopted-by Jim T, Rose, Ginger, Tim J. and Tim B.)
2. Parish Hall back entry- stairwell cabinets and parish hall closets- general sweep, windows, dust ledges, light switches, organize shelves.
3. Upstairs in Parish Hall/Library- clean light switches, sweep, dust mini-blinds, windows, straighten books up. Spot clean marks on the walls. Need to replace the broken blind in Library. Replace dimmer switches in Library.
4. Kitchen and storage closet- good scrub all over, walls, sink, floor, fridge. shelves. and organize. (adopted- See Josh to help)
5. Bathrooms- (All 4 of them), clean touch up paint, a general good scrubbing all over. (adopted- Knitting committee)
6. Downstairs in Parish Hall- light switches, spot clean the marks on walls, class rooms, dusted, swept, blinds cleaned, windows, counter tops, shelves and cabinet fronts.
7. Sanctuary and Narthex (general clean up)- sweep under pews, dust convectors, windows, aisles, chapels, dust light globes along aisles, dust canopy over pulpit, etc.
8. Sanctuary upgrades - Touch up the floor where old font was, clean stone window ledges. (adopted-Fr. Tom, Linda, Freida and Liz)
9. Choir loft- organize, sweep, dust, floors side walls and pipes (adopted-Mason/Choir)
10. Yard and grounds- general trash clean up, rake flower beds, possible mulch on North side of sanctuary, sweep curb sidewalks, wash breezeway windows. (adopted- see John Phillips/Garden Club)
11. Scrape and paint small iron sign out front. (adopted- See Elizabeth and Michael)
12. Archival papers need taken to diocese storage (see Tanya) (adopted- Fr. Tom)
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