Saturday, February 2, 2013

Junior Warden's Report

Our Annual Meeting is coming up on February 3, and we're publishing reports as we receive them. Here's the report from the Junior Warden, submitted by Jim Tomlinson.

What a great year to have been your Junior warden

Together we worked on the "12-Lenten gifts back to the facility", a project which a number of us participated in and we were thus able to adopt various tasks. 

This project found us not only cleaning up and refurbishing different areas of the church and parish hall, but also working on new tasks such as painting, extra clean-up in the gardens, resurfacing the stair treads, and the addition of new art work by Tim Jensen and various donors. These endeavors have met with great success and a wonderful opportunity for all of us to give back to our parish home and our beloved All Saints.  It is my hope that this concept and in-house ministry will  continue into 2013 and be adapted to the future needs and circumstances of the parish property.

We have revitalized the buildings and grounds committee;  please contact Robb Biddinger if you would like to contribute and/ or participate in this ministry. The committee has been addressing various issues such as our heating and assisting with the repair of the wrought iron fence which surrounds the church property on 16th and Central Ave.  Thank you to Robb Biddinger for his diligent assistance with these property issues.  

We will have a few things on the horizon for 2013 to investigate and research: 

  • The windows in the parish hall on the west side of the building are in questionable condition, and need to be evaluated for repairs. 
  • The signage for the church has had a number of repair band-aids over the years.  It is clearly long past time to think seriously  about a replacement. Signage--its appearance and ability to grab one's attention  with basic information for the public is very significant in terms of evangelism and not just advertising. The condition of exterior signage as well as its design communicates to the public how an organization sees itself.   The time has come for us to think beyond applying the usual 'band-aids.'    Yes indeed, web sites are crucial today but the condition of signage in terms of communicating basic information of worship times, speaks volumes to the public as  to who we are as a church community.  
  • I am very much aware of pews that are loose and kneelers that must be tightened back up.
If you have any thoughts or ideas you would like to share with me please feel free to contact me.  
It has been my privilege to serve the parish community of All Saints as your Junior Warden in 2012.

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