Monday, January 23, 2012

Knitting Committee Update

Sunday, January 29 is the All Saints annual meeting, and we hope you can all be there. As we prepare for the meeting this week, we'll be posting the reports of the various committees of All Saints. First up -- the knitting committee.

Annual Meeting Report: Knitting Ministry

The All Saints Knitting Ministry continues to be a viable ministry of the parish with a solid participation of 12 parishioners.  Additionally, there are other knitters who support our ministry but who do not attend meetings – “meetings” being a very loose term!  We gather in the parish hall at 5:30 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.  Skill is not a pre-requisite and we welcome anyone who would like to participate on whatever level they are able.

On November 1, 2010, the knitters committed to knitting 50 pair of mittens in support of the parish centennial celebration.  The goal was to complete “100 Hands Over All Saints” by November 1, 2011, and we surpassed that number by 9 pair!  We added to the mittens several scarves and hats that were made by members of the group who were not comfortable knitting mittens.  These knitted items were blessed on Sunday, November 6 and taken to the Julian Center where it is hoped they are keeping warm some hands that have been through difficult times.  Several prayer shawls were also completed and blessed throughout the year.

In 2012, the Knitting Ministry will continue to provide prayer shawls for use by those providing pastoral care.  We are also knitting scarves for the Red Scarf Project.  This project is a part of the Foster Care to Success program, a national organization that provides support to college students who have grown up in the foster care system.  Care packages are provided to the students at Valentine’s Day and each package contains a red scarf.  Completed scarves are collected September through mid-December and we anticipate coming up with a way to display our progress throughout the year.  You can read more about this ministry at  If you need more information or are interested in being part of the knitting ministry, you are welcome to contact Rose Lane. 

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